Sunday, December 30, 2012

So what do we do now

How we got here

It has taken years but here we are, a country that has so much debt that we will never pay it back. Specifically, it is not the blame of any political party but we are all to blame. We let it happen. We sat back and did nothing while we let more and more people take more and more from the government which meant fewer of us contributed to it. The result was deficits year after year until we accumulated so much debt we will never be able to pay. 

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? 

Everyone wants what they deserve. That's human nature. The problem is most of us think we deserve more than we really do. We are entitled to what the constitution guarantees us; Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, nothing more. Some have equated the pursuit of happiness to the right of healthcare. They say if you're healthy you're happy. The constitution guarantees the pursuit of happiness, not the right to happiness. 

The idea that the government should provide all our needs means that we will be getting something we didn't pay for. If you disagree, then pay for it yourself! Otherwise you are making someone else pay for it. What gives us the right to take from others to pay for what we can't afford? 

Not much time left

I give us 10 years left before we are no longer. We will still be alive but we will be nothing like we were before. Another country will be the world super power and I doubt they will be as giving as we were. When the time comes and you wonder what happened, look in the mirror and for once take responsibility.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

Steve Forbes was on Hannity today talking with Rudy Giuliani. He thought congress should once again kick the can till after the new year to provide some time to get a good deal done, not one that is rushed and not read by anyone let alone debated. I totally agree.

If the house were to pass such a bill to allow all the current tax rates and spending to remain where they for say 3 months, how could Reid and BHO not be in favor of it. If they don't, they will own the going over the cliff.

So now let's talk about the 3 months both sides negotiate. I must be public. Put it on C-Span for all to see. We (conservatives) must be willing to give as much as we take. We can't expect to get all spending cuts and not give in on some tax increases. We also need to insist on real cuts, none of this phony reduction in the size of growth.

We currently owe $16,384,000,000. Even if we balanced the budget today and added not another dime to the debt, we would still owe the $16,384,000,000. Do you realize how hard it's going to be paying that back?

I'm really tired of our elected officials doing what's right for them and not what's right for the country.